Will my product changes within Marketplace Management impact the sales channel?

MM has the ability to update product properties of existing listings on select marketplaces. Not to be confused with price & quantity, product property changes would be fields such as description, image and titles on an existing listing.

In order to attempt to make a change to an existing listing you would need to first update that listing's product properties in Marketplace Management and then publish it to send that update to the marketplace. See the table below for details on Marketplace Management's functionality on updating existing listings on the Marketplaces.

Note: You do not need to click Publish if you only want to change your prices and quantities since Marketplace Management will send price and quantity updates to the marketplaces automatically.


SKU and UPC updates will need to be done directly on the Marketplace.

  • Amazon - Add new ASIN with updated SKU and then delete the old ASIN. 
  • Walmart - Use the item spec 4.0 upload and select "yes" for SKU and UPC update. 
  • eBay - update the custom label field either directly on your listing or through File Exchange.