Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime and Marketplace Management

Marketplace Management supports Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime. Here's a quick rundown of how the program works, and what we do to support it.

What is Seller Fulfilled Prime?

Seller Fulfilled Prime is a program run by Amazon that allows sellers to deliver directly to domestic Prime customers from their own warehouses.

What is Seller Fulfilled Prime? e is a great tool to promote your visibility on Amazon, and while not all users are eligible for the program, there’s a huge benefit in joining: Amazon Prime members spend almost twice as much as non-members.

Does Marketplace Management support Seller Fulfilled Prime?

Yes. Sellers enrolled in this program are required to utilize Amazon's specified shipping options (as opposed to normal shipping options such as USPS and Fedex) for at least 98 percent of all Seller Fulfilled Prime orders. Doing so will affect your workflow within Marketplace Management and your order fulfillment process.

How a Seller Fulfilled Prime order is fulfilled with Marketplace Management

Import all Seller Fulfilled Prime orders into Marketplace Management. This will ensure your inventory count is kept up to date.

  • Marketplace Management will send these orders to our shipping partner Desktop Shipper
  • Through Desktop Shipper, you will be able to select Amazon shipping options

Please note: Marketplace Management does not currently send Seller Fulfilled Prime orders to ShipStation or Shipworks due to restrictions placed by these shipping solutions.