How to use BigCommerce Product Data to Publish Listings to Marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart, eBay and TikTok

How to take your BigCommerce listings to stage them to your desired Marketplace(s) and how to finalize publishing.

Currently SellerActive (Marketplace Management) has full listing capabilities for Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and TikTok. For Amazon and Walmart we also have the ability to match offers making it very simple to get existing marketplace listings published with minimal information. 

Step 1 

Navigate to the Products Workspace which is the catalog of all of your items and select which product you would like to start the listing process for. Select the SKU and hit stage listings specifying each marketplace you would like to list the product to.

Step 2 

Navigate to the Listings Workspace you will find your staged listings now appear in the Ready to Publish tab or the Incomplete tab. For your Ready to Publish items all you need to do is select the SKU and hit the publish button. Alternatively you can click on the SKU to open up the SKU pane and hit publish under Listing Statuses. 

For Incomplete listings you will need to click on the SKU to open up the SKU pane under Listing Statuses it will display what requirements are missing per channel in order to publish. The most common missing requirement is usually the Marketplace Category that needs to be assigned. This can now easily be mapped between channels using our AI tool. 

Step 3

Your listings will now have successfully published to the Marketplaces. If there was error they will appear after 5-10 minutes in the Errors tab within the Listings Workspace. To resolve the error click on the SKU to open up the SKU Pane and navigate to Listing Statuses. You should see what Marketplace Error was returned so that you can fix it accordingly.