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Use SellerActive to leverage Amazon's Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF)

Fulfill orders from non-Amazon sales channels via Amazon's MCF using SellerActive's Order Routing feature.

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Leverage Amazon's MCF

Leverage Amazon’s fulfillment network and expertise to power the growth of your e-commerce business. Companies around the world depend on Amazon to deliver their customer orders on time, every time, through any off-Amazon channel including their direct-to-consumer (DTC) websites, other e-commerce marketplaces, and social media stores.



Why use Amazon’s MCF?

Superior Delivery Performance
Delight customers with >97% on-time delivery rate and deliveries made 7 days a week.

Fast Fulfillment
Deliver orders as quickly as 1 day after their ship date.

Reduced Operating Costs
Enjoy low, predictable pricing for fulfillment and storage and up to 50% discounts on multi-unit orders.

Real-time Order Tracking
Receive tracking numbers within 24 hours of orders being placed, and monitor the progress of orders from click to delivery.

Unbranded Packaging
Ship orders automatically in unbranded packaging at no additional cost.

Why use SellerActive for MCF?

Order Routing
Ensure your orders are directed to the optimal 1st or 3rd party fulfillment location within SellerActive. Route non-Amazon orders to FBA and ship out blank boxes with non-Amazon carriers to maintain your brand experience. 

Automated Repricing
Create repricing strategies to rank higher, win the Buy Box, and optimize margins. 

ASIN Creation
Create new ASINs within SellerActive when publishing your listings. 

Expand to New Marketplaces
Expand your reach by publishing new and existing listings to all the top marketplaces through a single listing workflow.

Quick Startup
With no setup fees or contracts, get started same-day with live onboarding support.

MCF channels

How it Works

SellerActive’s Multi-Channel Fulfillment capability automatically submits your online orders to Amazon for fulfillment, updates orders with tracking information, and synchronizes your inventory quantities across all channels.

View our pricing plans, starting at $99.

How to Connect

Get started with SellerActive’s Multi-Channel Fulfillment feature in a few easy steps: 

  1. Connect your Amazon account as well as any other sales channels into SellerActive. Import your listings and be sure they’re using the same SKU across channels. 

  2. Create a shipping method mapping between the delivery methods presented on your sales channels and FBA.

  3. Configure Blank Box and Block Amazon Logistics settings.

  4. Turn on outbound settings for updating tracking information and quantity and you’re all set! 

For more information about how to get set up, check out our Knowledge Base.  

SA screenshot_cross channel fulfillment settings

Create new Amazon product listings faster with our ASIN Creation Tool

The world has become so fast paced that people don’t want to stand by reading a page of information, they would much rather look at a presentation and understand the message.


Dynamic Amazon repricing for competitive and private-label listings

Repricing for competitive and private-label listings


Full FBA integration for streamlined order shipping

The world has become so fast paced that people don’t want to stand by reading a page of information, they would much rather look at a presentation and understand the message.

Amazon sellers see 22% average revenue growth in the first 60 days of using SellerActive.

“SellerActive has provided a solution that is affordable, works well, and I almost never need to touch it. It's a 'behind-the-scenes' hero.”
Marc Frankel
Owner of Island Watch

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