Managing BigCommerce and Marketplace Pricing

Workflow options for managing pricing in BigCommerce and Marketplace Management

When first integrating BigCommerce, SellerActive Marketplace Management will import your entire catalog and your products will get populated with the current selling price at the time of the initial import. After that, SellerActive will no longer receive price updates from BigCommerce by default (unless a specific setting is enabled, described further below). 

You have a couple of options to choose from for pricing:

  1. Marketplace Management as the source of truth for your pricing
  2. BigCommerce as the source of truth for your pricing

Marketplace Management as the Source of Truth for Pricing 

If you chose to make price changes through the SellerActive app, you will want to enable the "Allow this app to manage and export prices" pricing setting for every integration such as BigCommerce and each connected marketplace. Once that is done only make price changes through the SellerActive Marketplace Management app and SellerActive will update prices on BigCommerce and the connected marketplaces. 

Benefits of managing pricing in Marketplace Management by 

  • Managing pricing for your listings across all marketplaces in one location
  • Ability to add pricing strategies like price mirroring for BigCommerce to keep price parity
  • Using our Profit by Product and Profit by Channel reports

BigCommerce as the Source of Truth for Pricing

If you do not want to manage BigCommerce prices inside of SellerActive, you can choose to have your BigCommerce prices continually import into SellerActive to then update the marketplaces by setting up a Price Mirror repricing strategy.

To enable this workflow:

  • Turn "Allow this app to manage and export prices" OFF on the BigCommerce integration.
  • Turn "Use BigCommerce Product prices as the source of truth" ON, located beneath the "Import Listings" setting. 
  • For every other connected marketplace, turn ON "Allow this app to manage and export prices"
  • Create a price mirror strategy for every marketplace you want to mirror prices from BigCommerce.
  • Apply the repricing strategy to every listing for that marketplace (including newly imported listings in the future). 
  • Read here to learn how to set up Price Mirroring.
