BigCommerce and SellerActive Marketplace Management Integration Overview

Learn more about the BigCommerce and SellerActive integration capabilities and how to get started.

The BigCommerce and SellerActive Marketplace Management integration allows you to:

  • Manage orders
  • Manage inventory
  • Manage pricing and reprice
  • Publish listings to U.S. marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart and TikTok and add offers to international Amazon regions

This page will walk you through how to migrate from your previous BigCommerce marketplace software and start using SellerActive.

Check out this general overview video of SellerActive:

How to Sign Up for a SellerActive Marketplace Management Account for BigCommerce Sellers

Click here to find out how to get started with an account.

How to Integrate and Go Live

Learn how to integrate BigCommerce, Marketplaces and Marketplace Management plus understand important settings to go live. 

⭐ View the step-by-step migration guide here. We recommend reviewing this guide to get set up!

SellerActive supports BigCommerce Multi-Storefront (MSF) accounts. If you have an MSF account, first install SellerActive for your main business.  

If you'd like to install the second/additional stores of your multi-store account, take these additional steps:

  • Create the additional businesses inside of your organization.
  • Then go to the secondary/additional stores of your multi-store account and install SellerActive. When given the option to choose which business/store, select the secondary/additional business(es).

If you have multiple accounts of the same marketplace, view this article in addition to the migration guide. 

Product Data and Listing Details

Learn more about what product data, listing information and order details will import from BigCommerce and how often into SellerActive.

Learn how to publish listings to U.S. marketplaces such as Amazon, ebay, Walmart and TikTok or add offers to international Amazon regions. Check out this article here to learn the listing publishing steps and view this article to learn how to add offers

To publish feeds to Google Shopping, view this article.

Managing Orders

Learn how to manage orders from either Marketplace Management or BigCommerce. Not sure which to set up as your primary order source of truth? Read these articles below to determine which will fit your needs.

Understanding Order Workflow Options 

Managing Inventory

Learn how to set up Marketplace Management for inventory based on your workflow. 

Understanding Inventory Workflow Options 

Managing BigCommerce and Marketplace Orders

Managing Prices

Learn how to set up Marketplace Management as your pricing source truth by viewing your specific workflow in the migration guide.

SellerActive will be your source of truth for pricing once you enable outbound settings to Allow SellerActive to Manage and Export Prices for the channels you choose. 

Read more about managing BigCommerce and Marketplace pricing here.

Setting up Repricing

Learn about the automated repricing options that Marketplace Management offers as an available add-on and how to get started. 

Interested in adding the Repricing Add-On to your subscription plan? Reach out to

Need help?

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Schedule a migration meeting using this link if you would like a guided walk through to sign up and get started.

If you have ideas or suggestions about this integration, submit them here.