How We’re Building a Better SellerActive With Beta

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SellerActive is poised to release a product update that upgrades major areas of the application. As part of the final phase of testing, we’re granting early access to a beta version of the product. Why are we doing this? And how do beta testers help? Here to explain it all is SellerActive Senior Product Manager Travis Tomlinson.


SellerActive Senior Product Manager Travis TomlinsonSellerActive is on course to release a major product update soon, and everyone here is excited to open the doors and let the whole world in. But before we do, we need to complete some final testing. This is where people like you come in.

Today we’re opening up a beta version of the new SellerActive experience to a small (but growing) number of people. We’ve started by inviting our customers, and will soon begin bringing people new to SellerActive in.

Whether you’re already signed up to test, or are still deciding, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of questions. So, allow me to shed some light on the beta testing process (and divulge a bit of insider info about the new experience along the way).

Why is this happening?

This upcoming release re-imagines features crucial to the SellerActive experience. Our platform powers the backbone of a lot of businesses, so it’s important that we make sure we've got the finished product right and can guarantee our loyal customers a seamless transition to the new experience. 

While this update is a major change, it's primarily visual, which means your products, listings, orders, and repricing information won't be affected by joining the beta program.

What features are in the beta?

During SellerActive’s beta period, testers will gain early access to the two new workspaces. These two workspaces are replacing the current pricing manager page, and are part of some big changes to how our customers create and manage their product catalog.

One of these major changes is the introduction of our new SKU editor; a feature I'm really excited about. The SKU editor allows a user to handle any changes related to a SKU from a single place. I think it's a revolutionary concept that solves many of our customers pain points right now.

For a smaller seller, being able to see every aspect of a SKU from a single area of the application is huge! Costs changed on you? Change your price. Product content was updated? Publish those changes to your listings. Inventory getting low? Set a buffer to stay in stock on Amazon. From the SKU editor, you can see the challenges you face, and solve them all from the same spot.

I’m also looking forward to launching the new navigation, which makes a bunch of regularly-used tools easily accessible, like the pricing strategies page.

“SellerActive powers the backbone of a lot of businesses, so it’s important we ensure a seamless transition”

Who is eligible to become a beta tester?

Anyone can sign up to be a beta tester. However, because we’re still building the product, we want to roll access out gradually. We’re already working with a few customers who are most excited by the changes, and will be working to add more people to the beta as we stabilize the final release. Eventually, once we launch, all current customers will be migrated over to the new experience, and new customers joining SellerActive will added to the new experience, too.

What support will beta testers get?

Our beta testers will be able to submit feedback and get support through our usual channels: chat and support tickets. We appreciate the valuable feedback beta testers will be sending us, and will be working hard to create the experience they want.

How do I sign up?

If you’d like to become a beta tester, we’d be thrilled to have you on board. I really believe we’ve improved SellerActive for the better in this release, and I’d love to hear what you think.

To sign up, follow this link and shoot us a few details. When we’re ready to add you as a tester, we’ll be in touch.

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About SellerActive by

SellerActive, powered by, is a leading multichannel management platform founded in 2011. Our platform enables e-commerce businesses to effortlessly expand their product reach across numerous channels, including Amazon, Walmart, TikTok, eBay, and more. With features such as centralized product catalog creation, automated repricing technology capturing the Buy Box up to 72% of the time, and streamlined inventory syncing and order routing. Whether you're seeking managed services or a DIY approach, SellerActive by offers top-rated support and proven success in online sales channels and marketplaces. New customers have achieved an average sales growth of 22% in the first 60-days, without expanding their workforce. Unlock the full potential of your online business with