What Is An Amazon Affiliate Partnership?

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Amazon continues to soar to the top of online marketplace exchanges. As one of the largest retailers in the world, Amazon is responsible for approximately 40% of America’s ecommerce sales. Working with one of the leading e-commerce platforms with solidified operations and logistics offers Amazon sellers access to 2.45 billion monthly visits and many other benefits

One commonly overlooked benefit is Amazon’s Affiliate Program. An Amazon Partnership allows a website, blog, or business owner to make a commission through Amazon in a process called “affiliate marketing”.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Two people pointing at a laptop screen.Affiliate marketing is when an online marketplace, like Amazon, pays business owners, content creators, bloggers, and others to create traffic or sales for the marketplace. This is often performed through a customized link specific to the partner. Website owners and bloggers will post about certain products or offers, and receive a commission when their viewers interact with and purchase products using their unique link. 

Affiliate marketing allows the merchants to expand and reach customers they otherwise may not have. Furthermore, since creators and bloggers are rewarded based on commission and sales made, they are driven to create more content to promote their partnership. 

When enrolling in affiliate marketing it’s important to understand the structure and payment methods. Some companies pay out at a fixed rate, while others provide more flexible methods of payment. Commission can depend on the number of purchases, conversions, or a calculation of the two.

Pay-Per-Sale Affiliate Marketing

Amazon website on a computer screen.Pay-per-sale is standard for affiliate marketing structures. The merchant pays the affiliate a percentage of the sale after a purchase.

Benefits of Pay-Per-Sale:

  • The affiliate makes a cut based on the effort put into sales and the quality of their product.
  • It is easy to calculate and anticipate income.
  • Great for evergreen products with a regular demand.

Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Marketing

Pay per click.Pay-per-click encourages affiliates to redirect consumers from a specific marketing platform to the merchant’s website.

Benefits of Pay-Per-Click:

  • Pay-per-click allows business owners to set maximum-monthly budgets across their account or for individual campaigns.
  • Traffic and search engine ranking reliability allows a predictable amount of engagement.
  • Allows for increased traffic to your personal site with links to the merchant for maximum engagement.

Pay-Per-Lead Affiliate Marketing

Pay-per-lead allows for great flexibility. Business owners or website bloggers are paid for each generated lead.

Benefits of Pay-Per-Lead:

  • Leads can come from email campaigns, appointments, or orders.
  • Expanded customer pool.
  • Allows for creativity in outreach.

How Does an Amazon Partnership Work?

Overhead view of two people working across from each other on laptops.An Amazon Affiliate Partnership is an opportunity for website owners and content creators to become Amazon associates.

An Amazon Affiliate Partnership is broken down into three easy steps:

  1. Sign up for the program.
  2. Share and recommend products to your loyal audience.
  3. Earn up to 10% in associate commissions.

When viewers click and interact with the website owner’s custom links, the website owner receives something called a Standard Commission Income which Amazon pays on qualified purchases. How much commission is earned depends on what products are sold or what actions that users take.

Requirements for Amazon Affiliates

As an Amazon partner, it’s critical you meet the rules and requirements of the Amazon Affiliate program. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Disclose on your website, blog, or social media channel that you may be eligible to receive commission through your custom link.
  • Your website cannot promote explicit, obscene, or violent materials.
  • You cannot encourage people through your website to engage in any illegal activities.
  • Do not make false statements about products in your recommendations.
  • You are solely responsible for your site and the contents of your site.
  • You will not create bots or software to artificially inflate your custom link interactions.

Start Earning on Amazon Today with SellerActive

Affiliate marketing is a strategic way for your product to be seen by thousands through partnerships with companies like Amazon. Earn commission in exchange for a small referral fee, and share and recommend products to your audience.

If you’re interested in becoming a SellerActive affiliate partner, check out our partnership program. If you’re looking for ways to stay competitive on Amazon and other online channels, email our team today to learn how SellerActive can grow your business and begin a free trial.


Steps to becoming an Amazon Affiliate.


About SellerActive by Cart.com

SellerActive, powered by Cart.com, is a leading multichannel management platform founded in 2011. Our platform enables e-commerce businesses to effortlessly expand their product reach across numerous channels, including Amazon, Walmart, TikTok, eBay, and more. With features such as centralized product catalog creation, automated repricing technology capturing the Buy Box up to 72% of the time, and streamlined inventory syncing and order routing. Whether you're seeking managed services or a DIY approach, SellerActive by Cart.com offers top-rated support and proven success in online sales channels and marketplaces. New customers have achieved an average sales growth of 22% in the first 60-days, without expanding their workforce. Unlock the full potential of your online business with Cart.com.