Announcing the New SellerActive

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Today we’re releasing the newest iteration of SellerActive, and along with it, a return to our roots as a software solution built by sellers, for sellers. Here’s a look at how we got here, and what we’re looking to do in future.

Jason Headshot DraftToday marks a huge milestone in the history of SellerActive – we’re releasing the newest iteration of our software, which includes new workflow concepts that we built to improve the lives of e-commerce sellers, and new tools that can help merchants list products to marketplaces faster and easier than ever. The work that went into building this release has been years in the making, and we are excited to finally share it with our users.

As I step back and review our new features, and recall the countless conversations that went into planning it, I am left with the importance of why we are here, and how we got started. When SellerActive Co-Founder Bryan Hockett and I began building multichannel tools, we weren’t planning on establishing a SaaS business. We were navigating the rapidly-expanding world of online marketplaces as sellers ourselves, and dealing with manual uploads, out-of-stocks, overselling, and more. We created a custom-built program that our business needed – one that would exchange our inventory information with marketplace channels and keep it priced smartly against competition. Over the years, we added fulfillment tools, quickly adapted our business to work with FBA for certain products, and built automations that could handle a rapidly growing business. Eventually, we saw the need to launch a standalone product, and established SellerActive in 2011.

Since then, marketplaces like Amazon have fully disrupted online and offline retail. Consumer demands for product selection, lower prices and fast shipping have driven offline giants like Walmart to join the space. Over this time, SellerActive has built a suite of features that solve a range of different problems for multichannel sellers, but our mission has remained clear:

We are building a product that simplifies the complex workflows of multichannel listing and repricing, and makes it easier for sellers to grow their business.

Re-focusing, re-doing, and re-energizing

The SellerActive team has always had many things going for us: we have an intricate understanding of online selling, a great team that works with customers to create a better product, and a lot of empathy for the changing world e-commerce sellers have to navigate. We’ve spent time building requested and custom features, and focusing on a range of different things, which has served us well in many ways.

However, I’ll be the first to admit that our desire to be everything to everyone left us with a product that wasn't as easy to use (or easy to support) due to the amount of disparate features we added over the years. Unless we chose to slow down, re-do foundational pieces of the software, and re-focus our energies, we were going to continue to have a problem meeting the needs of the market and accomplishing our mission.

Building up to this release, we went through years’ worth of friction items and tech debt, and chose to focus on the following features that we believe dramatically simplify the process of multichannel product creation, listing, and repricing for our customers. So, without further ado, let me introduce you to what’s new with SellerActive.

What’s new

Check out these new features in details here:

Click me

A new path forward

I can’t fully express how excited I am that we’re putting this release out today. Not just because we finally get to show our users what we’ve been working on, but also because of the new possibilities we have going forward.

While many things are changing, we’re holding true to the core of what we do.

We’re building new tools, but we’re also fortifying our existing features. Our multichannel management process is now stronger than ever, and when accompanied with our repricing technology, unparalleled in the industry.

We’re adding webinar training for implementation and support videos for customers, but we remain committed to providing customized chat, email and phone support as well.

And as always, we’re building our product with the help of customer feedback and we’d love to hear your thoughts so we can continue to focus on the features you need in an industry that’s constantly changing.

Thanks for being part of what makes SellerActive great,

Jason Harra
SellerActive CEO and Co-Founder

About SellerActive by

SellerActive, powered by, is a leading multichannel management platform founded in 2011. Our platform enables e-commerce businesses to effortlessly expand their product reach across numerous channels, including Amazon, Walmart, TikTok, eBay, and more. With features such as centralized product catalog creation, automated repricing technology capturing the Buy Box up to 72% of the time, and streamlined inventory syncing and order routing. Whether you're seeking managed services or a DIY approach, SellerActive by offers top-rated support and proven success in online sales channels and marketplaces. New customers have achieved an average sales growth of 22% in the first 60-days, without expanding their workforce. Unlock the full potential of your online business with