How SellerActive Customers Can Use Deliverr to Join Walmart Free 2-Day Shipping

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The team at SellerActive recently held a webinar with new integration partner Deliverr, an Amazon-like fulfillment alternative for multichannel businesses that offers access to fast shipping programs. For this webinar, we teamed up with Walmart to talk about their 2-Day Shipping Program, and outlined the ways SellerActive customers can take part in it, with the help of Deliverr.

How SellerActive Customers Can Use Deliverr to Join Walmart Free 2-Day Shipping


Following is a recording of the webinar, as well as a few FAQs that came out of the webinar session.

Webinar: How SellerActive Customers Can Use Deliverr to Join Walmart Free 2-Day Shipping



Webinar FAQs

For private label sellers who don’t have to worry about winning the Buy Box (as they are the only seller), will joining Walmart 2-Day Shipping still have benefits with ranking?

Whether you’re a private label seller or reseller on Walmart, you have to rank on general search terms. Walmart 2-Day Shipping has a really big impact on how your items rank in search, so if you’re a private label seller looking to improve sales, joining this program is going to help. If you’re going after big search terms (eg “reusable shopping bags”), it is in your best interest to investigate using Walmart 2-Day Shipping and Walmart Performance Ads.  

How does the 2-Day delivery program work for weekends? When is the cut off? Do Saturdays and Sundays count?

The cut-off for 2-Day Shipping is 2pm local time on business days; not calendar days. So, if a customer places an order at 5pm on a Friday, Walmart will quote their 2-Day delivery time as Tuesday by 5pm.

How quickly can a new seller get approved for Walmart 2-Day Shipping?

You can either go it alone, or use a service. Currently, new sellers need to be on Walmart Marketplace for 90 days and have more than 100 transactions in this time to qualify for the program. However, if you collaborate with a company like Deliverr, you will be exempt from these criteria and pre-approved for Walmart 2-Day Shipping.

Is there any difference between using Deliverr or using FBA as a 3rd party fulfillment source?

Deliverr does not currently support Amazon Seller-Fulfilled Prime. Deliverr’s Michael Krakaris says, “FBA’s main focus is Amazon Prime, but FBA doesn’t do Walmart 2-Day or eBay Guaranteed Delivery.” In terms of the experience, the two should be similar. The only difference is that FBA does customer service and Deliverr does not.

The biggest difference comes down to the channels you want to do. Michael says, “In most cases, a merchant will put a portion of their inventory into FBA and a portion into Deliverr for Walmart, eBay and Shopify. From there, they’ll have a staging warehouse that does prep and returns for both. That’s the typical setup many businesses have right now.”

Can we specify only the ASINs that we want for Walmart 2-Day Shipping?

Amit Chaudray from Walmart says you can specify ASINs for 2-Day Shipping through Walmart Seller Central. You can use overrides, or edit item specifications. You can also do a hybrid model by setting up some SKUs on 2-Day through Deliverr, while leveraging your own warehouse for another set of SKUs on 2-Day.

If you are using a listing tool such as SellerActive, items in Deliverr will show the 2-Day badge, and items you’re self-fulfilling will not display the badge.

We don’t need the order management/inventory management piece of the software. Is that something that we are able to utilize in the system?

Ian Leslie from SellerActive says that you can choose your solutions within SellerActive. “While we recommend that people use our full solution because we provide inventory management, order management and repricing, we do have requests from folks who want to utilize specific parts of our software. Contact us at for more information.”

Will SellerActive create product listings on Walmart or will that need to be done independently?

You can list directly and simultaneously to Amazon, Walmart and eBay from SellerActive. You can also optimize your listings, manage content and repricing strategies from within the app.

Can SellerActive or Deliverr help us get approved for the Walmart Marketplace?

“We certainly can,” says Ian Leslie of SellerActive. “Both companies have contacts there, and if you reach out to us and apply through our partner application link, we can ping Walmart and try to get that approval expedited for you.”

If Deliverr runs out of inventory at one location, does Deliverr move it, or does the seller have to?

Deliverr will sometimes re-allocate inventory, depending on sales volume. Michael from Deliverr says, “If there’s not too much volume coming out of those SKUs, we’ll ask sellers to replenish. For sellers with high velocity sales, inventory is actively being reallocated, however we do try to get it right when we ask you where to send items. We’ll tell you when you lose national coverage on the 2-Day badge, and try to keep that coverage up as long as possible, but there’ll be complete visibility about when you show the badge and when you stop using the badge.”

If you use your own 2-Day delivery, do you still win the Buy Box?

Amit from Walmart says, “Winning the Buy Box is independent of fulfillment. 2-Day is a fulfillment option, and Buy Box ownership is a combination of a flag, pricing, performance, etc.”

Does Deliverr throttle and manage velocity? We're a high volume shipper and have to hold back inventory sometimes.

Deliverr does not, but SellerActive does inventory buffers. Within SA, you can set a buffer for the marketplace, and essentially remove your listings once they reach a certain threshold. Learn more here.

Learn more

If you’re interested in learning more about Walmart, and how to build a successful store, check out our How to Sell on Walmart blog post. (There’s a webinar recording in there, too!)

Finally, if you’d like to learn more about SellerActive’s Deliverr integration, and how it can set you up for success on Walmart Marketplace, click below:


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About SellerActive by

SellerActive, powered by, is a leading multichannel management platform founded in 2011. Our platform enables e-commerce businesses to effortlessly expand their product reach across numerous channels, including Amazon, Walmart, TikTok, eBay, and more. With features such as centralized product catalog creation, automated repricing technology capturing the Buy Box up to 72% of the time, and streamlined inventory syncing and order routing. Whether you're seeking managed services or a DIY approach, SellerActive by offers top-rated support and proven success in online sales channels and marketplaces. New customers have achieved an average sales growth of 22% in the first 60-days, without expanding their workforce. Unlock the full potential of your online business with