5 Profitable Advantages to Being a Walmart Marketplace Seller

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Expanding your reach as an established e-commerce store beyond your primary platform to Walmart Marketplace offers a wealth of benefits. Walmart has spent decades building its brand around the Everyday Low Prices (EDLP) model. By design, that pricing strategy and their brand recognition mean you get access to a new clientele of millions.

Ready to learn about the e-commerce advantages of the Walmart Marketplace? Continue reading to learn why you should sell your products on Walmart.

Phone loading the Walmart Marketplace app.1. Reach More Customers

Walmart's e-commerce business maintains a solid upward trajectory in customer acquisition, even with competition from other online marketplaces. In 2020 alone, Walmart reported that e-commerce sales grew by 69% and continue to rise, which opens the door for business owners to reach fresh buyers.

Remember that the Walmart Marketplace has a loyal customer base, with plenty of shoppers devoted to the brand. That loyalty offers business owners the opportunity to capitalize on the decades of brand recognition grown by Walmart. In turn, almost 120 million shoppers visit the Walmart online marketplace monthly. Of that 120 million, 99% of those people eventually make an online purchase monthly.

Those numbers make it easy to see why you should sell on Walmart's Marketplace because it shows the growth potential the platform offers. While Walmart allows you to sell nearly anything, it's beneficial to know the top product categories ranked on their platform to where you fit in.

Beets, lettuce, and carrots in a grocery store.The Top 5 Product Categories Sold on Walmart:

  1. Groceries
  2. Clothing
  3. Beauty and Personal Care Items
  4. Cleaning Supplies
  5. Vitamins and Dietary Supplements

2. Save on Seller Fees

Walmart's Marketplace offers upfront and competitive pricing that only charges you for what you sell. Meaning, as a business owner, you won't have to pay a monthly seller fee or a setup fee to start selling. Instead, pay a referral fee similar to other platforms.

Commission rates depend on the category of the products you sell and the total price. Those generally range from 6% to 15%, but cap out depending on the products you sell. For example, Walmart charges an 8% commission fee on items less than $10, but they charge a 15% fee if sales are above $10.

Unlike other platforms, the only fee you pay as a seller on Walmart is the commission and potentially any costs associated with a return or shipping. Meaning, you save by avoiding closing fees, high-volume listing fees, and other additional costs associated with other e-commerce marketplaces.

Person handing three packages to another person.3. Free Two-Day Shipping

Online shoppers have grown accustomed to getting their e-commerce goods days after hitting the buy button. The good news is that Walmart offers free two-day shipping powered by Deliverr to stay competitive. That alone makes Walmart a game-changer for eligible Marketplace sellers.

The importance of fast and free two-day shipping can't be understated, particularly for new customers. It's also easier to manage through a multi-channel platform, like SellerActive, designed for e-commerce businesses. Nevertheless, here are the core benefits Walmart's two-day shipping service offers for e-commerce businesses:

  • Improving search rankings
  • Increasing e-commerce reputation and conversions
  • Winning the buy box
  • Reducing cart abandonment

Woman wearing a red beanie standing over a countertop working on a laptop.4. It's Easier to Stand Out

One of the things we like about Walmart is its vetting process. They believe in curating their Marketplace with trusted and established sellers over opening the doors for everybody. They do this because they have a reputation as a trusted seller, so they want their partners to reflect that trust.

The Walmart Marketplace provides another digital storefront that favors trusted curation instead of overcrowdedness. As an established business owner selling high-quality goods, the intentionality of whom Walmart picks to sell on their platform makes you more visible due to reputation and more visibility.

What's more, SellerActive's powerful listing and repricing tools allow businesses like yours the chance to capture more of Walmart's buy boxes to increase sales.

Woman in an industrial kitchen writing in a notebook.5. Fulfillment Made Easy

As a third-party seller on Walmart, you get access to their end-to-end Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS). The most significant benefit here is that WFS offers established businesses the chance to reduce or consolidate shipping costs by providing access to one of the largest supply chains available. WFS also offers straightforward pricing, tracking visibility, fast delivery, and a friendly return policy.

If you're struggling with managing your inventory, we recommend exploring a platform that continuously updates your product quantities across all channels. Doing that will protect you from overselling products and keep your supply chain moving when using WFS.

Start Selling on Walmart Marketplace

We know adding a new platform to your e-commerce business surfaces challenges, particularly when considering inventory management. So, if you wish to expand your digital store’s reach on Walmart and need an inventory management solution to maximize revenue and manage listings—let's talk. We offer a suite of tools that streamline handling multi-channel storefronts that will elevate your online shopping experience.

We even offer a free 14-day trial of our multi-channel inventory management platform.

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About SellerActive by Cart.com

SellerActive, powered by Cart.com, is a leading multichannel management platform founded in 2011. Our platform enables e-commerce businesses to effortlessly expand their product reach across numerous channels, including Amazon, Walmart, TikTok, eBay, and more. With features such as centralized product catalog creation, automated repricing technology capturing the Buy Box up to 72% of the time, and streamlined inventory syncing and order routing. Whether you're seeking managed services or a DIY approach, SellerActive by Cart.com offers top-rated support and proven success in online sales channels and marketplaces. New customers have achieved an average sales growth of 22% in the first 60-days, without expanding their workforce. Unlock the full potential of your online business with Cart.com.